Saturday, November 12, 2011


Watched Dallas Swat for the first time today.  Wow!  Haven't seen this much testosterone since Bruce Willis took out those terrorists at Nakatomi Tower.

In fact, they just took out an entire HOUSE!  Really, they took down a house!  It was a crack house... allegedly. (Whatever, we know it was!)  But they ripped off every entrance to the abode.  The poor pit bull doggie was terrified.  I hope they take it to the SPCA for debriefing.

I think I'll watch this show more often because I love Alpha Males!  These take charge men don't hem and haw and have that shoulda-coulda-woulda attitude that I loathe.

Sure, some of them come across like Henry Rollin's character from The Chase, but that's okay.  Every job has their die-hard nerd.

Sigh... I wonder if any of those officers are single.

Okay, I need to get back to the real world because HOCKEY IS ON!!!

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