Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nosey Neighbor or Doin' the Right Thing?

At 4:30 p.m. I arrived home and saw my neighbor's garage open and his door leading into the house open.  His car is nowhere in sight.

I haven't met this neighbor.  In fact, he's the only neighbor that hasn't introduced himself to me (and vice versa).  I've never seen his garage open without his car inside.  I think it's pretty strange but don't worry too much.  Maybe he just ran a quick errand?

I'm going to leave again in an hour and remind myself to check and see if there's any change.  There wasn't. 

I considered calling the police non-emergency number at that time - then start going back and forth on should I or shouldn't I (didn't I complain about that behavior in one of my other posts?!)  I pick up my friend and we begin talking about something and I completely forget about my neighbor.  Scatterbrained much?  (I'm not *that* great of a neighbor, huh?)

So, I returned home around 8:40 p.m. and the neighbor's garage door is still open, the door leading into the house is still open, and every light is off.  That's highly unusual.  I finally call the non-emergency police number.

The officer manning the phones was unpleasant, but took the information.  I explained to him that it was dark - I don't know my neighbor - I'm NOT going to go over to his house by myself.  He stated he would send out a car and asked if I wanted a return phone call.  Eh?  No.  Why?  (Now I regret it.  Although I doubt they would've told me what really happened.)

Arriving in "stealth" mode, the officers park a house away and turn off their car lights.  They walk into the house, turn on all the lights, and guess who shows up?  Yes, the homeowner arrives. 

How would you react to see the police walking out of your home when you come home from work (or wherever)?  I'd be freaking out!

I did not witness any freaking out.  In fact, the police asked for his driver's license - checking for home ownership and that's it.  They left.  Home owner walked in the house.  No biggie. 

I don't get it.

If I came home and the police explained to me my home was wide open all day long, I'd ask them to walk with me through the house to make sure no one was inside.  AND make sure nothing was missing.  AND AND make sure I was not STILL FREAKING OUT! 

But nooooooooo!  They just left.  The neighbor lowered his garage door.  Drama over.

Am I crazy?  Should I have just ignored it?  I remember accidentally leaving my garage door open all night.  It really frightened me when I found it open the next day!  Anyone can break in the door leading into the house from the garage.  The front door and window has the big locks on 'em, but not that garage door.  (BTW, NONE of my neighbors knocked on my door to tell me my garage was open.  NOR did anyone call the police - although that would be a bit extreme for just a garage door.)

I'm kerflumuxed.

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