Saturday, November 12, 2011

I have a cold

I dislike colds... immensely.

However, my job places me in contact with millions of germs on a daily basis.  No, I'm not a scientist or waste management technician.  I'm a teacher.

I could write TONS about being a teacher, but I value my job and do not want to say anything that will put it in jeopardy.  I'm not saying everything is awful.  It's not.  But I couldn't be truthful and keep my job.  :(

WAIT - I was talking about being sick! 

Last night while watching my Dallas Stars give a lackluster performance against the Pitts (we lost), I felt an ache in my ear.  That's my #1 clue that something big is a'comin!

I got out the heating pad, took my zinc, gargled, took my Nyquil, piled on the blankets and STILL woke up feeling like cacadoody.

Dear Scientists and assorted Genuises:  Please, please, PLEASE find a cure for the common cold.

Thank you,

SickyPooh Me :)

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