Sunday, November 13, 2011

Horrorscopes - fact or faked?

Here's my horoscope for today:

You have a lot on your plate today and could be rather busy just trying to keep up with everything. However, you might not have much to show for your efforts by the end of the day. Even if you have a viable plan in place, one distraction after another lures you away from your work. But there's no reason to think that frustration will hijack your day; simply accept the premise that disruptions bring important lessons you need to learn before you can move on.

First of all, how did my horoscope know that I'd be busy grading 300 essays today?

Second, how did it know I might not have much to show for my efforts because I'm easily distracted away from grading essays?  For instance, I'm typing this blog instead of grading essays.

Third, it tells me if I have a viable plan, which I do -- just sit and finish grading those dang essays -- that viable plan will not work due to continuous disruptions (ie - this blog, and that book, oooh and that shiney thing over there!)

Finally, it tells me that these disruptions bring important lessons I need to learn before I can move on.  Uh...move on to what?  And isn't the important lesson that I'm NOT supposed to allow myself distractions so that I can just get the grading finished?!?!

Oh, horrorscope - how you frighten me into immobility!  Ooooh what's that shiney thing over there?

UPDATE:  I finished grading all 150 essays and 150 tests.  I did not allow any distractions.  AND, I treated myself to a flick - Paranormal Activity 3.  Liked it.  :)

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