Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Stanley Hotel Experience - Thanksgiving 2011

After a 15-hour drive, we arrived at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado around noon on Monday, November 21, 2011.  My sister had driven the entire 15 hours it took to get here.  She did that because she doesn’t like my driving.  HA!  Guess I showed her.

The Stanley Hotel
Estes Park, Colorado

Of course arriving that early means our room isn’t ready.  I’m wide awake while sis is exhausted!  Luckily the lobby has super comfy leather chairs that we take over.  I read.  She sleeps.

When we finally check into our room around 2 or 3-ish, sis is still exhausted.  Our room was on the third floor.  Room 217 is checked out WAY ahead of time and the fourth floor does not have rooms with two queen beds – and I ain’t sleeping in a king with my sis!  The view was nice, though.  We could look out towards Estes Park Lake and some low-lying mountains.  The big peaks were towards the front of the hotel.
View from room 326

I wasn’t sure if I could get her out of the room.  The movie Eagle Eye was on, so I sat and watched it.  Wow – that was pretty awful.  It’s a complete Will Smith/Enemy of the State rip off.  But who cares about that.  We’re at the Stanley!

view from the front of the Stanley Hotel

I finally get her out of bed and we head over to the Estes Park Brewery which is supposed to have top-notch beer.  The place was a dive.  The red was a good beer.  The others weren’t.  The food was awful.  They really should name it the Hole In The Wall with One Good Brew.  Eh, no problem.   I have some snacks back at the room. 

The next day we ate breakfast at the Big Horn Restaurant.  The food was good.  It was the accents that we noticed most.  Sis said they were German.  I said Austrian.  Of course, I asked!  It was Slovakian.  We came across this accent constantly while in Estes Park.

We went to the visitor center next and the friendly chap showed us a trail in Rocky Mountain National Park we could take.  The main road - Trail Ridge Road – was closed.  So we couldn’t drive peak to peak.  No worries, we took every road we could!  In the park we saw wild turkey, several deer, magpies, a raven, and small herd of elk.
Rocky Mountain National Park

driving through the park

Later that day we took the Ghost and History tour at the Stanley Hotel.  We visited the ladies and gentlemen’s parlors, the top of stairs landing with mirrors and paintings, room 217 where Stephen King was inspired to write The Shining,  the fourth floor where the children are heard playing at night, room 401 where many unusual things happen, and the tunnel under the hotel.  
the ladies' parlor

top of the stairs

In room 401 I volunteered to stand in the closet where the several ghostly happenings have been reported.  Did anything happen?  No, but I did freak myself out a bit.  The hair on my arms rose and I swore I felt something.  I reached over and realized it was the ironing board!  HAHA

me at the top of the stairs

Stephen King and his wife were in Estes Park back in the early 70’s.  During this time the Stanley had changed owners and it was in a more dilapidated state which probably suited Mr. King just fine!  The hotel was closing for the winter months.  No guests were there.  The employees were closing up when Stephen King persuaded them to allow him and Mrs. King to stay the night.  They stayed in room 217.  During the night several strange things occurred – one of which was “someone” unpacked their bags while they were out of the room.  Keep in mind it’s against hotel policy to touch the guests belongings!  Also, that evening Mr. King had a dream about the fire extinguishers, located just outside his room, attacking his young son.  At the time, the extinguishers had the white hoses attached.  The hoses are now gone, but the pipe is still there.  The Kings checked out the next day, and he began writing The Shining.
nope, I couldn't get into room 217
I’m sure you already know that Kubrick’s The Shining film is not located at the Stanley and Stephen King was upset with several changes Kubrick made to his story.  It’s still a great movie – but Stephen King put out his own mini-series and filmed it at the Stanley!  He also made a cameo as the band leader.

Stephen King

The fourth floor is where guests report hearing children running and playing through the halls.  Unfortunately, we did not witness anything.  However, my camera and telephone were both wonky.  Yes, I said wonky!  There were two pictures on the camera that neither my sister nor I took.  It may have just accidentally taken the photos or it may be GHOSTs!!!!  Also, I turned my phone off at night to save the battery and it was on the next morning.  Interesting stuff, huh?
photo taken by ghost?
That metal faucet is the old fire extinguisher.
another ghost-taken photo
What were they trying to show us?

Later on Tuesday, we walked through half of the little town of Estes Park.  It’s a quaint little touristy area full of stuff you don’t need but just want to buy!  LOL
downtown Estes Park

That evening we ate at Chicago’s Best and had the white pizza.  It was pretty good.  We arrived at the perfect time, walked up to the counter and ordered.  After we sat, about fifty other people showed up.  Good timing.  J

We get back to the room around 6 p.m. and I’m exhausted!  I know we want to do our own ghost hunt anywhere from 2-4 a.m. so I pass out.
We woke up later than we wanted because the alarm didn’t work.  Ghost?  We went up to the fourth floor.  Have I mentioned how incredibly creaky the floors are at this hotel?  It WAS built in 1909.  Well, we went to all the hotspots and took photos.  We were doing our best to sneak around and not make any noise, but every time it squeaked we broke out into giggles.  We were sure someone was going to come out of their room and yell at us.  No one did.  Nor did we get anything on film!
4th floor - girls area

view from the 4th floor

the girls' bench
if you leave them candy, they'll eat it

On Wednesday we chose Notchtop for breakfast.  The food wasn’t bad but they’re definitely not top notch!  We weren’t greeted or spoken to.  No big deal right?  The employees greeted and spoke with everyone else!  I’m not sure what either of us did?!?!?  I smiled and was friendly and got nothing in return.  It reminded me of that pub in American Werewolf in London where the boys walk in and it gets completely quiet. Creepy and rude.  Oh well – no tip for you!

We spent some of the morning walking down the other half of Estes Park.  I make it sound as if it’s a large place.  It isn’t.  It’s just the shops open late and close early.  We did more unnecessary shopping. 
downtown Estes Park

At one point, we saw an elk sitting in front of the library.  Yes, a real elk.  A real LARGE elk.  It didn’t care about people taking photos or getting near.  I didn’t get that close!

Elk in front of the library - downtown

We decided to head back out to Rocky Mountain National Park.  This time we went up to the top of Trail Ridge Road – at least up to the point where it’s closed.  Then we drove down the mountain to Bear Lake. 
Trail Ridge Road - closed :(

Welcome to Bear Lake!
Where are the bears?  Where's the lake?!?!

For lunch/dinner we ate at Poppy’s.  It’s an Italian-type restaurant and was pretty good.  Yes, I had pizza again.  What can I say?  I like pizza.  Then we came back to the hotel.

Again I was exhausted.  It was only 5 p.m.   I wanted to take a nap so that I can be awake at 2:30 a.m. for ghost hunting madness!  Unfortunately, we found nothing again.
looking up into the bell tower
someone has a sense of humor :)

room 217

The next day was Thanksgiving and check out time. L  We headed out to Estes Lake and walked around.  It was extremely windy but a nice day nonetheless. 
Estes Lake

At noon we ate at the Stanley’s Thanksgiving feast.  It was delish!  The funny part was the couple next to us kept getting up for more buffet and every time they left, the busboys would clean off their table.  The couple would come back and everything would be gone.  It happened three times.  The manager came over and comp-ed their meal.  I told my sis to get up and walk away!  It didn’t work for us.  LOL

We began our 16-hour drive home.  It was longer because we decided to take the interstate all the way back which added an hour or two to the driving time.  It was worth it!
This is what you see when driving east out of Colorado and into Kansas.

Now I need a vacation from my vacation. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nosey Neighbor or Doin' the Right Thing?

At 4:30 p.m. I arrived home and saw my neighbor's garage open and his door leading into the house open.  His car is nowhere in sight.

I haven't met this neighbor.  In fact, he's the only neighbor that hasn't introduced himself to me (and vice versa).  I've never seen his garage open without his car inside.  I think it's pretty strange but don't worry too much.  Maybe he just ran a quick errand?

I'm going to leave again in an hour and remind myself to check and see if there's any change.  There wasn't. 

I considered calling the police non-emergency number at that time - then start going back and forth on should I or shouldn't I (didn't I complain about that behavior in one of my other posts?!)  I pick up my friend and we begin talking about something and I completely forget about my neighbor.  Scatterbrained much?  (I'm not *that* great of a neighbor, huh?)

So, I returned home around 8:40 p.m. and the neighbor's garage door is still open, the door leading into the house is still open, and every light is off.  That's highly unusual.  I finally call the non-emergency police number.

The officer manning the phones was unpleasant, but took the information.  I explained to him that it was dark - I don't know my neighbor - I'm NOT going to go over to his house by myself.  He stated he would send out a car and asked if I wanted a return phone call.  Eh?  No.  Why?  (Now I regret it.  Although I doubt they would've told me what really happened.)

Arriving in "stealth" mode, the officers park a house away and turn off their car lights.  They walk into the house, turn on all the lights, and guess who shows up?  Yes, the homeowner arrives. 

How would you react to see the police walking out of your home when you come home from work (or wherever)?  I'd be freaking out!

I did not witness any freaking out.  In fact, the police asked for his driver's license - checking for home ownership and that's it.  They left.  Home owner walked in the house.  No biggie. 

I don't get it.

If I came home and the police explained to me my home was wide open all day long, I'd ask them to walk with me through the house to make sure no one was inside.  AND make sure nothing was missing.  AND AND make sure I was not STILL FREAKING OUT! 

But nooooooooo!  They just left.  The neighbor lowered his garage door.  Drama over.

Am I crazy?  Should I have just ignored it?  I remember accidentally leaving my garage door open all night.  It really frightened me when I found it open the next day!  Anyone can break in the door leading into the house from the garage.  The front door and window has the big locks on 'em, but not that garage door.  (BTW, NONE of my neighbors knocked on my door to tell me my garage was open.  NOR did anyone call the police - although that would be a bit extreme for just a garage door.)

I'm kerflumuxed.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Horrorscopes - fact or faked?

Here's my horoscope for today:

You have a lot on your plate today and could be rather busy just trying to keep up with everything. However, you might not have much to show for your efforts by the end of the day. Even if you have a viable plan in place, one distraction after another lures you away from your work. But there's no reason to think that frustration will hijack your day; simply accept the premise that disruptions bring important lessons you need to learn before you can move on.

First of all, how did my horoscope know that I'd be busy grading 300 essays today?

Second, how did it know I might not have much to show for my efforts because I'm easily distracted away from grading essays?  For instance, I'm typing this blog instead of grading essays.

Third, it tells me if I have a viable plan, which I do -- just sit and finish grading those dang essays -- that viable plan will not work due to continuous disruptions (ie - this blog, and that book, oooh and that shiney thing over there!)

Finally, it tells me that these disruptions bring important lessons I need to learn before I can move on.  Uh...move on to what?  And isn't the important lesson that I'm NOT supposed to allow myself distractions so that I can just get the grading finished?!?!

Oh, horrorscope - how you frighten me into immobility!  Ooooh what's that shiney thing over there?

UPDATE:  I finished grading all 150 essays and 150 tests.  I did not allow any distractions.  AND, I treated myself to a flick - Paranormal Activity 3.  Liked it.  :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Watched Dallas Swat for the first time today.  Wow!  Haven't seen this much testosterone since Bruce Willis took out those terrorists at Nakatomi Tower.

In fact, they just took out an entire HOUSE!  Really, they took down a house!  It was a crack house... allegedly. (Whatever, we know it was!)  But they ripped off every entrance to the abode.  The poor pit bull doggie was terrified.  I hope they take it to the SPCA for debriefing.

I think I'll watch this show more often because I love Alpha Males!  These take charge men don't hem and haw and have that shoulda-coulda-woulda attitude that I loathe.

Sure, some of them come across like Henry Rollin's character from The Chase, but that's okay.  Every job has their die-hard nerd.

Sigh... I wonder if any of those officers are single.

Okay, I need to get back to the real world because HOCKEY IS ON!!!

I have a cold

I dislike colds... immensely.

However, my job places me in contact with millions of germs on a daily basis.  No, I'm not a scientist or waste management technician.  I'm a teacher.

I could write TONS about being a teacher, but I value my job and do not want to say anything that will put it in jeopardy.  I'm not saying everything is awful.  It's not.  But I couldn't be truthful and keep my job.  :(

WAIT - I was talking about being sick! 

Last night while watching my Dallas Stars give a lackluster performance against the Pitts (we lost), I felt an ache in my ear.  That's my #1 clue that something big is a'comin!

I got out the heating pad, took my zinc, gargled, took my Nyquil, piled on the blankets and STILL woke up feeling like cacadoody.

Dear Scientists and assorted Genuises:  Please, please, PLEASE find a cure for the common cold.

Thank you,

SickyPooh Me :)

eHarmony Update 1

November 6, 2011
eHarmony Diary: Today's matches: a 48-year old man whose favorite things are "cycling ,hiking ,making dinner " and obviously does not know how to use a comma.  No, of course I didn't take him off my "possibilities" list because he can't use a comma!  I took him off my list because he's 48, has children (plural), does not live in Texas, and had no photo.

There was also a 43-year old, quite handsome, gentleman from "tlanta, GA" who is most passionate about "love" and the most important thing he's looking for in a person is: "happy".   It's such a shame he lives in Georgia.    ...and the beat goes on...

November 8, 2011
eHarmony Update #4589723490587: Today's winner states the following: "I’m in love with the sea she’s my mistress. My interests are diverse and my desires and border on the renaissance while my leanings are for the ardent hearted."

What Is He Talking About?!?!?!

My sister says he's being poetic and as an English teacher I should appreciate it.  Meh, I can't understand it!

November 10, 2011
Today's ONE eHarmony match is from... NEBRASKA! Yes, there aren't any men my age within the State of Texas or any "connecting" states. They had to look all the way over in NEBRASKA!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thank you for taking care of me, State of Texas!

So I'm checking out of my local grocery store on Sunday (before noon) and the cashier takes away my beer.  She says, "You have to wait until noon." 

I'm sorry, what?

"You can't buy beer until noon in Texas."

Well, thank goodness the State of Texas is looking out for me!  God knows I was going to go home at 10 a.m. and down a six pack of Shiner Amber.  Then ... who knows... I could've done something really awful like mowed my yard drunk or passed out on my sofa or played my music REALLY LOUD on a friggin SUNDAY!

Of course, when I lived up in Virginia they wouldn't sell any alcohol on a Sunday at all.  And the times the "alky" stores were open was like between 2p.m. and 3:15 p.m.  LOL

Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Politician for looking out for me!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hockey Helmets

Dallas Stars have become a team that NEVER GIVES UP!  Thus far this season has been a real treat for Stars fans.  But let me talk about something *really* important:  the hockey helmet.

The hockey helmet, a.k.a. bucket, bonnet, hat, or mask (if you're a goalie or possibly injured) is one of the goofiest helmets in sports.  Seriously, have you seen the fan who wears a helmet or helmet-type hat to the games.  They look silly! 

Yet, put one of these buckets on a player in full regalia and he becomes sex-on-a-stick.  Why is that?

Or is this just a Debbie thing?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Supernatural - the TV Show

As a nerd, I attend conventions quite often.  Here's the story of one such event:

I'm an avid Supernatural fan.  It's a tv show on Friday nights.  It's been on for six seasons!  On October 22-23, my sister and I attended the Supernatural convention in Chicago, IL.  It was tons of fun!

It all started back in April of 2011.  I was trying to come up with the best birthday present EVER for my little sis.  She hadn't been on a vacation in a loooooong time; so I knew I wanted to plan for a mini-vacay. The main issue is she has 3 dogs, and it costs a small fortune to board them. But Mom and I pooled our $$ and made it work.

We arrived at the Westin O'Hare in Chicago early on Saturday morning.  As soon as we arrived at the hotel (of course we're too early to check in) we immediately went in search of the stars of the show!  We followed a group of gals downstairs and saw a line waiting for photos with Corin Nemic.  I still think of him as Parker Lewis - so did not wait in line.

Next, we made our way to the big auditorium where Amy Gumenick was talking about her roll as Mary Winchester on the show.  The main auditorium was huge and there were at least a thousand chairs.  I stayed and listened to her talk while my sis went in search of something.  I can't remember what, tho!

We headed over to the exhibitors hall and were shocked because there were only five vendors.  Yes, FIVE!  Photos, jewelry, t-shirts... that's it.  I'm used to going to conventions where there are at least a couple hundred vendors!  Well, I wasn't there to buy stuff - so we moved on.

We returned to the auditorium and found out we could sit right up front during what I like to call the *star talks*.  I really enjoy sitting on the front row for anything!

I tried to convince my sis to take part in the trivia contest, but she refused to raise her hand.  She's a bit shy.  It didn't matter because the questions came from the audience and were ridiculously difficult.  It reminded me of the SNL sketch with William Shatner where he yelled at the audience to get a life!

Next, Richard Speight, Jr. (Trickster/Gabriel) and Matt Cohen (Daddy Winchester) were all over the place.  They never remained on stage which made getting photos of them quite difficult.  But they were funny and entertaining.  At one point, Misha Collins walked in.  The ladies in the crowd went crazy.

Let's talk about these ladies in the audience, shall we?  I'd say the audience was made up of 99% women and 1% other.  At one point my sister and I were playing a game of guessing how many cats each woman owned.  Oh sure, you can say that's mean, but I have a cat, too!!  We loved that we fit right in.

Our first photo op was with Richard Speight and Matt Cohen.  I told Richard I loved him while walking away from him and into the arms of Matt Cohen.  Yes, I had my arms out for a hug.  I felt a push from behind me.  My sis pushed me out of the way, which made Mr. Speight laugh.  We both hugged these gentleman and got a great picture!  Oh, and Matt Cohen smelled wonderful!

During lunch we walked around the corner to Giordano's.  I have to say I thought that someplace called Giordanos who claims to have the best Italian food wouldn't use canned spaghetti sauce, but .. oh well. 

More importantly, during lunch I convinced my sis that we needed to join the next contest:  Present a Supernatural movie idea in 45 seconds on less.  The winner would get a $100 gift certificate. We spent lunch writing our pitch on a scratch sheet of paper.

When we returned to the auditorium, I raised my hand HIGH to be chosen for the movie idea contest. My sis would not get up on stage with me.  So I had her man the camera!

There were 8 people on stage.  The first young man (there was 1) pitched an idea involving Greek Gods.  I was second.  I took out my tomato-stained scratch paper out and read the following with as much gusto as I could manage:

Supernatural:  The Movie
     Sam and Dean are transported into a parallel universe where they are now responsible for saving monsters and demons from people!
     The creatures live in fear of humans and seek help from sam and Dean because Lucifer is MIA the same way God is here.  They have no protection from people who now know all the Hunter's tricks of the trade.
     It's up to Castiel and Bobby to help Sam and Dean find a way back home because the Boys are having an incredibly tough time keeping the monsters alive when ever fiber of their being screams KILL THEM ALL!

The third young lady opened up her iPad and began reading her idea which I didn't understand a word of.  The remaining contestants gave their pitch.  I was too nervous to pay attention.  I figured the iPad girl would win even if she ran out of time.  But when the audience voted with applause, I WON!  (technically, my sister and I won.) 

Then the host handed the microphone to me again and asked me to flesh out my idea.  Huh?  What?  I already read everything I have!  What was I going to say???  I made up some nonsense about Dean falling in love with a demon because of the romantic in me.  Ugh...that part was embarassing.  Luckily, they couldn't take back the award! :)

Of course, days later I thought of ways to flesh out the idea, but it was too late.

My sis and I spent that $100 at the five previously-mentioned vendors.  LOL  Hey, I got a tshirt and magazine and coffee mug.  The sis picked out two t-shirts.

Next up was Misha Collins.  He was a treat.  He's very quick-witted and sarcastic.  I really enjoyed how he handled the most inane questions/comments I've ever heard.  I was slightly embarrassed to be a part of the crowd.  Nevertheless, he was entertaining.

After the *star talk* we went downstairs for our photos with Misha Collins (Castiel) and Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer) - the Heaven -n- Hell photo op!  LOL
Yes, the sis got to stand next to Mr. Collins in this photo.  Of course, I gave him a hug before I walked to Mark Pelligrino.  I was perfectly happy being next to Mr. Pelligrino because I'm also a huge Lost fan and he played Jacob!
Later this evening we waited for HOURS to get an autograph from Matt Cohen and Misha Collins.  I tried to sell these autograph tickets because I got the photo ops instead.  That didn't work out.  So we waited... and waited... and waited.

By the time we got to these gentlemen, I was expecting two very worn out fellas.  Nope!  Misha Collins was joking around with everyone and Matt Cohen still had a big smile on his face.

The sis and I went back to the room around 11ish and ordered two small Chicago-style pizzas.  (She's a vegetarian.)  Mine WAS SO GOOD, but I was all tuckered out.  Most of it ended up in the trash.

The next day, we began with our photo op with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, the stars of the show.  Both were very sweet.  Of course, I gave Jared a big hug and he gave a bear hug in return.  I wanted to give one to Jensen but was told by the ladies in line that he doesn't like that!  LOL  I couldn't believe a guy from Dallas would be unfriendly.  So, I patted his shoulder and told him we were a couple of Dallas gals.  He smiled and said, "Hey, I'm going home later tonight!"  I said something inane like, "Excellent." and that was it.  Like I said, very sweet dudes.

Later, we sat through their *star talk* but had to sit in the back of the auditorium because the front row seats were reserved.  No biggie.  I have a zooooooom lens.  :) 

I told my sis since Mr. Ackles is going home to Dallas and that he'd probably be on our flight.  She laughed at me.  I laughed, too.  The chances were one in...however many flights were flying to Dallas from O'Hare that evening.  (hehehe)

Later, we were sitting in at O'Hare after having eaten at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant.  The food was great.  The service was awful - especially the hostess.  ANYway, while talking about how there are no extraordinarily handsome men anywhere, we created a bet (we do that alot) on who could find the first really good-looking man.  Guess who walked by?  Yes, Mr. Ackles.  My sister frantically started slapping my shoulder telling me she found one.  I looked and started to agree with her before it clicked that I was looking at Jensen Ackles!  We waved and he waved back.  (Told ya he was a nice dude).

When we got on the plane, he was in first class sitting with his eyes closed.  I warned my sis that he would pretend he was asleep, otherwise people would bug him.  I smiled at his wife and saw her nudge her husband and say something like, "there they are" but we had already passed by before he could do anything about it. 

I must say I should win a medal or award or something for keeping my sister in her seat during that entire plane ride home!  I explained that he'd have to pick up his luggage and we'll see him in baggage claim when we landed.  She calmed down.

Sure enough he was awaiting his luggage.  I told my sis it was her final chance to say hi or do whatever it was she wanted to do.  She just wanted to get a photo "near" him -- not *with* him but NEAR him.  I took the photo on the sly and we finally went home.

There are more stories from this trip like the lady who spent $5,000 in the auction for salt used on the show.  Yes, *salt*.  Sure, the proceeds went to a fabulous charity, but $5,000???  Wow. 

There were other stories of people who spent thousands so they could be first in line.  Yes, the same line I was in - we all got to the finish line, but I paid considerably less. 

There was the lady in charge of photo ops who simultaneously yelled at us, herded us, and encouraged us to smile all in the same sentence.  We nicknamed her tinkerbell because she was a little ball of energy and light.

And there was the hotel's restaurant with that horrible, horrible $20 cheeseburger.

And there was the costume contest with only two good costumes out of the whole bunch!

Needless to say, it was a loooong two days but sooo much fun!

Here are some pics from the event:

So Let's Talk HOCKEY

I love hockey!  LOVE IT!

My fave team is the Dallas Stars and they are kicking hiney this season!

So far - 9 wins and 3 losses!

I'm predicting big things for this team!

When I get to the games I take photos.  My photo blog is located:

to eHarmony or not to eHarmony - that is the question!

On or about September 17, 2011 I gave up on finding Mr. Right on my own.  I opened myself up to the mysteries and opportunities of online dating.  On the 30th of September I joined eHarmony.  Here's my eHarmony Diary of what's happened so far:

9/30/11 Okay so ... I joined eHarmony (b/c it was super cheap) and I have to tell you... there are some *odd* looking men in the world and they *all* signed up for eHarmony. I know... I know... I'm no Angelina Jolie or whatev (hehehe) but C'MON! Where are the "normal" men?  There are no more alpha males in the world. I'm destined to be alone until 12/21/12 (b/c that's the end of the world!) ;)
(When asked what I was seeing on eHarm) -- So far it's just their photos that are making me go.... oooooooohhhh...noooooooooo... Then I think - who am I to be so picky. Then I look again and think... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo. Guess that makes me a shallow person. Good thing I'm ok with that.

10/1/11 my eHarmony matches today... a 50 year old man in overalls (seriously) and a 5"3' man with one picture of himself and THREE pictures of his mother! I'm not joking.
Before you say my limitations are too stringent, I asked for four things: #1 non smoker, #2 no kids, #3 within 100 miles from Dallas. #4 my age request was 35 to 45. (it's the "no kids" thing that's killing me, I know)

10/6/11 HEY! No new matches eHarmony. You suck, eHarmony! Where's my match? Are you saying there's no one like me on Earth?!?!
(when told who my perfect man was...)That's true. Steve Jobs was the one. :::sigh:::

10/8/11   Out of today's 7 "matches" (which is a MASSIVE amount for eHarmony!) - three are 50 years old; six are from Colorado (yes, only ONE in TX), and hey... maybe I need to move to Colorado? :) They have nicer looking men in CO! Yeah, moving there ain't gonna happen. Soooooooo the search continues. (don't tell me I'll find "him" when I'm not looking b/c I haven't been looking for years!)

10/9/11  eHarmony Diary: received 7 matches - 0 who are in TX - 1 from Colorado who is very handsome and a physician. That settles it. I'm moving to Colorado!

10/16/11  eHarmony Diary: Today I sent smiles to over 15 "matches" - yes, even those with children AND men not living in Texas. I bet you are anxiously awaiting the results!  Well, mathmatically speaking (and you know I rarely do Math!) I've sent 7 smiles previous to today's *smile blitzkrieg* and only received one return smile. When I emailed that person an "icebereaker"  I did not receive anything in return.

10/17/11  results of my smile-a-thon = 5 gentlemen "looked" at my profile. However, no responses. Yep, this is money well spent!

10/18/11  I received 7 new matches today. ONE of the 7 is in Dallas. The others are located at least 6 to 15 hours away.  Three of the 7 are 48 years old or OLDER!  One stated his best attribute was "I still have all my teeth." Oh yeah... I'm not kidding.  Three of the 7 do not even have pictures.  And still no responses from the "smiles" I sent two days ago.

10/20/11  There is no new activity on my eHarmony account. Repeat: No New Activity. That is all.

10/21/11  Today's winner is a faceless (no photo) gentleman whose occupation is "cabintry" and when asked about his leisure time, replied: "I like exercising know matter the exercise is."  Huh?

10/25/11 Today's winning profile -- "The three things which I am most thankful for: •my son and grandson"  I did not keep reading...

10/27/11  You know those survivalists that live in a compound in the middle of nowhere? I think I was matched up with one of them today. Let's see - should I send a smile or not? Decisions...decisions...

10/29/11   You know those eHarmony commercials that play every five minutes on tv?  No?  Maybe it's just me noticing how often they're played.  Well, this one --  "Maybe by the time this commercial is on I won't be single anymore." -- made me think, don't count on it, bud.

11/2/11  eHarmony Depression has set in. I checked on all those Smiles I sent to others. Most have "viewed" my profile without responding. Some have even "closed" the match. Ooooooh the rejection!  No, I'm not looking for any "don't worry" and "plenty of fish" or "he's out there" responses. Please, let me wallow in my misery.

11/5/11  Dear eHarmony, I'm getting bored here. More "matches" please.

11/5/11  So as you can see, I bounce back quickly.  As you can also see, eHarmony isn't really doing the trick.  As you can also also see see... there isn't anyone out there willing to take me on!  LOL

I'm going to keep up my eHarmony diary for another month.  Then I'll re-evaluate my life.  Or re-evaluate eHarmony... whichever comes first.

This is me (from one of them there status thingies):  I'm not hot or gorgeous. I don't have an amazing figure or a flat stomach. I'm far from being considered a model, but I'm ME. I eat food, have curves, love my PJ's, and I go without make up (sometimes). I'm random and crazy.  I don't pretend to be someone I'm not. I am who I am, You can love me or not - I won't change!!! And if I love you, I do it with all my heart.

I don't believe in starting at the beginning!

So we're starting in the middle! - the middle of my life, I mean.

I'm starting a blog to talk about all those things I want to talk about.  And what are those things? 

and much, much more

But we'll start with eHarmony.  Yes... eHarmony.