Today I was awakened by the doorbell (sure it was 11 a.m. - but I like to sleep late on Saturdays. So sue me!). ANYway, the young man at the door was handing out cards for his landscape company -- a very normal occurrence in suburbia.
The funny thing is I've been contemplating finding a tree trimmer for the last few weeks because my front tree is hanging over my neighbor's home and driveway. That makes me nervous. If anything happened, I'd be liable.
So here comes Jose with his company card. For a measley $35 he'll trim those branches. I didn't have to even pick up the phone! That's pretty darn lucky, right? Or is it?
It made me think back on my other "visitations".
When I was 18 and driving somewhere (no idea where) my tire blew. I was on 635 just right off of I-30. So it's a very, very busy traffic area. Panicking because I wasn't sure how to change a tire, I got out of the car. Within a few seconds and older gentlemen pulled off the road behind me, asked if I was okay, told me he'd change the tire, and I was ready to leave in minutes!
Tell me I wasn't just rescued or, dare I say, saved!
Now, here's the twist: he asked if I wanted to join his church. I told him I already belonged to one. He shook my hand and made sure I was on my way. The cynic in me could think, Oh, he's a holy-roller doing good deeds to try to get me to join his church -- eeewwww, how creepy and manipulative.
But I really didn't get that vibe. So I've always refered to him as Angel #1.
Angel #2 is pretty funny because why would any Angel wanna help me win a bet!?!
In 1991 or '92, I was at Louisiana Downs with my parents. While on my way to place a bet, a skinny, raggedy, older man looks over at me and whispers, "Don't forget that #7, Pat Day," winks, and walks away. Yes, I was a little freaked out by him, but not enough that I didn't take his advice!
Guess what? I won $243 off a $2 bet. It was such a thrilling moment that I was practically bouncing around the track for the rest of the day as if I'd won a million bucks. It's a wonder I wasn't mugged! (hehehe -- there's that cynic again)
My last Angel story is the real kicker. I had to get hit in the face for my dream to become reality.
Angel #3 took care of me when I was at my most self-conscious. I've always hated my hooked-Italian nose. It was awfully ugly. To make a long story short (too late), I was in my early 20's and in an altercation with a girl over a boy (hehehe). She kicked me directly in the nose and broke it. I gave her two black eyes and various other bruises. (I won the boy then decided he wasn't worth it. LOL - but that's not the point!)
I went to a doctor about my nose and found out insurance will pay for a new one because it was broken! My prayers had been answered!!! For me the new nose was a HUGE self-confidence boost.
Since good things come in threes, I figured I had used up all my Angel help. Yet, I can't believe that because I've been in several car accidents (only one of which I caused!), broke both legs at the same time, sliced open my elbow accidentally, crashed my go-cart causing me to receive 30 stitches in my chin and knee, and had my gallbladder removed (...there's probably even more!). Can I really just chalk all that up to good luck?
Nah, I gotta say they're out there. They don't look like you think they should, and don't give you what you need in the way you want it; but they do good work. :)
And today...was Jose an Angel sent just to help me out with something that I was fretting over, or was it completely coincidental?
Do Angels really do such measely works like this?
Guess what? I just turned on the tv. On History Channel: Angels: Good or Evil. I kid you not!
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