Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 2012

I haven't written in a long while.  Shall I get you all caught up?

Bazal - That dog is still kicking butt.

My tree in the front yard - chopped down due to messing with the plumbing and foundation.

Travel - a few little roadtrips to keep me sane.  No big trips planned in the future.  This must be changed! - the subscription comes to an end on December 31, 2012.  Overall, a very unsuccessful experiment.  I've been saying I should write a book about it, but I like happy endings!  hahaha

So what's next?  The apocalypse.  (speaking of happy endings...)  Ok, ok.. I don't believe the world will end on 12/21/12, but I am leary of those people who do.  So I'm trying to decide between holding an End of the World Party or barracading myself indoors and waiting for the craziness to be over.  decisions...decisions...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Ballad of Bazal - a.k.a. This doggie proved me wrong.

So it was mid-January when my sister called in hysterics because her dog had been attacked.  She has a 10-year-old blue healer named Bazal.  I call him the ottomon, and my other sisters call him the giant tick.  Can you guess his shape?  Back to the story...

As I said, my sister called because Bazal was covered in mud and blood, and she didn't know what happened to him.  We needed to get him to the vet asap, but he's way too heavy for D to carry him alone.  So I raced to D's place. 

Oh, by the way... I was hosting a Keno party at my house.  Yep, I left a group of my friends to play without me.  Luckily, they are great friends and locked the door when they were through (not to mention cleaned up.  I still feel guilty about that!)

When I got to D's house, I assumed we'd take Bazal in my car because it's lower to the ground and easier to place him inside.  D assumed we'd taking her car.  Well, she didn't see my car behind hers in her driveway so backed up right into mine.  Her car was undamaged.  Mine needed the hood replaced.  Oh yeah, when it rains...

Okay, so we raced -- and I mean RACED to the 24-hour vet.  (I think she hit 100 mph.) The vet immediately took Bazal to the back and cleaned him up.  It was a long wait.

When he finally spoke with D and me, he said that Bazal has a severe laceration on his neck because the dog attacking him obviously went for the jugular!  The vet sewed him up as best he could but was afraid the stitches wouldn't hold because lacerations were so jagged.  D hands over her credit card.  They keep Bazal overnight.

Okay... long story short (too late), the stitches do not hold.  We make yet another emergency run to the vet and they say there's not enough skin to hold his wound closed.  From the way the vet spoke, I assumed we'd have to put him down.  Luckily, I was wrong!  

So here is what Bazal looked like (WARNING:  NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!)

Yes, his jugular was exposed.

D took Bazal to her vet of 25+ years and he kept him for a couple of weeks giving him hydrotherapy.  Essentially, they sprayed water on the injury twice a day.  That's it.  No salve, no "cone of shame" -- just antibiotics.

After those two weeks were up, D carried on the hydrotherapy at home.  It is now two months after this ordeal.  I never thought Bazal would heal, however, here's a photo of him now:
The original injury is about the size of a quarter.

There's much more to the story:  D having to drive to the vet's on a daily basis -- my car getting repaired incorrectly and then finally fixed --  a neighbor saying he knows what dog attacked hers, but having no proof, we can't do anything about it --  not to mention the vet bills.  Holy Guacamole Dip!  But it all turned out well in the end, because that booger Bazal is one tough cookie.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Away Game ~ 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012 -  8 a.m.  Wake UP!

Leaving my beautiful 60 degree temperatures in Dallas, Texas, for the 4 degree (during the day!) temperature of Minneapolis, Minnesota isn’t my idea of a good time, but I have a bucket list to get through, dagnabbit!
I *will* visit every arena in hockey before the proverbial bucket has been kicked.

Dallas, New York City, Washington DC, Pittsburgh, San Jose, Anaheim, Los Angeles, Vancouver, and Calgary have all been checked off my list. 
This year I wanted to do a Minny/Winny trip during Spring Break.  However, getting to Winnipeg is pricey.  Getting a ticket to a game is even more difficult.  I like choosing my seat instead of having it chosen for me.  Needless to say, I dropped the Winny idea for this year.
The flight up began with the woman sitting next to me clipping her fingernails into a hat – yes, I said a hat.  I thought this was really gross.  But she was really nice; so we chatted a bit.

As we descended into Minnesota, I saw vast areas of white.  What is this stuff??  Why is it all over the ground?  ;)

Going outside for the first time was a treat.  Seeing my breath freeze before my eyes was quite a shock.  But it really didn’t “feel” that cold.  Then again, I wasn’t going to stick around to find out.
I was worried about driving on snow, but it turned out not to be a big deal.  Keep in mind, I’ve only ever driven on Texas ice.  (We don't get much snow 'round these parts.) No worries.  They keep the roadways clear up there.
My first stop was the Mall of America.  It was quite a zoo!  Every store that’s ever been in a mall…ever… was there.  I hadn’t seen a GlamourShots or Fredricks of Hollywood since the mid 80’s, but they were here. 
There’s also a chapel, LegoLand, an amusement park in the middle with rollercoasters, full-sized restaurants, and the food court takes up a quarter or more of the entire third floor. 

I walked around for several hours, ate at Johnny Rockets (excellent onion rings) and just enjoyed a leisurely Saturday with about 10 million others.  (The place was packed!) 

Finally I called it quits because I was afraid I’d fall asleep from exhaustion during the game . 
Getting to the Xcel Energy Center is easy.  Parking is also easy.  But getting into the parking lot takes FOR-EV-UH!  I was late for warm-ups which ticked me off, but I was able to get a few shots.
The game started off okay.  Dallas scored first.  I’m in that photo on the Dallas Stars website where I look like a total goofball.  Lemme ‘splain:  I was yelling for the goal and digging in my purse at the same time.  So I look like I’m yelling “ooooooh” with my arms flailing like a T-Rex.  Ugh. 
I'm not able to post the photo, but you can see it here:  (photo #18)

As I said, Dallas was doing well, but within a two period minute of time they totally lost it.  It happened RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!  The gentleman next to me said, “You didn’t fly up here for this, did you?”  I said yes and added, “We’re from Texas.  We do things big.  If we’re going to lose, we’re going to lose big!”
There were no Stars' fans in my area; however, the folks that were near me were really nice.  They certainly know their hockey.  There was a teen next to me that kept sharing the stats of various players all over the league. 
There were no Ice Girls, but Ice Kids!  Loved that!
And, the Wild have a mascot.  I’m so jealous.  I want a mascot, too!
And, and... the arena’s food selection was better than the AAC.  THEY HAD MINI-DONUTS!!!!  (what we call Arkansas, down here)  So delish!
So my team lost.  So what!  It was the second game in a back-to-back.  I hoped for a better outcome, but was prepared for the worst.  I had a great time!

So let’s talk about the flight home.  We pulled through a mass of white, fluffy clouds that looked like the undulating ocean.  It was gorgeous. 
Unfortunately, I was blessed with a woman standing in front of me for the entire two hours talking nonstop about her job to another woman who she just met.  Her voice was like a shard of glass slicing into my ear canal everytime she uttered anything in her annoying heavily-Northern-accented voice.  I was just kicking myself for not bringing my iPod! 
I glared at her.  I pleaded (with my eyes) to the flight attendants.  I did everything except ask her to sit down and shut up.  LOL  Maybe I should’ve asked her to just sit down and shut up.  Meh.  This, too, passed.  Finally, we began descending in the choppy, mountaineous clouds of Dallas, Texas.
By 1 p.m. Sunday, I was on the sofa relaxing.
(me before the game)

Even though my team lost, I was able to experience 4 degree temperature, see the largest mall in the USA, and had a great time talking hockey with very knowledgeable folks up in Minny.  I can’t wait for next season’s arena!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's officially been a week!

Here's your update from my new subscription:

My profile has been viewed 25 times since the beginning of 2012.  (hehe - seems like a long time, huh?) with no responses.

I have looked at countless profiles and "winked" or "favorited" or "sent smiles" or WHATEVER they call it to three of them. 

We'll see what happens.  :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Online Dating

eHarmony wants me to pay more money for no results.  Needless to say, I said good-bye.

So... what to try next?  I'm going with  Prepare yourself for all new entries (blah blah blah).

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Do Angels Really Exist?

I've been thinking lately - do angels really exist or is it just a matter of being in the right place at the right time?
Today I was awakened by the doorbell (sure it was 11 a.m. - but I like to sleep late on Saturdays.  So sue me!).  ANYway, the young man at the door was handing out cards for his landscape company -- a very normal occurrence in suburbia.

The funny thing is I've been contemplating finding a tree trimmer for the last few weeks because my front tree is hanging over my neighbor's home and driveway.  That makes me nervous.  If anything happened, I'd be liable.

So here comes Jose with his company card.  For a measley $35 he'll trim those branches.  I didn't have to even pick up the phone!  That's pretty darn lucky, right?  Or is it? 

It made me think back on my other "visitations".
When I was 18 and driving somewhere (no idea where) my tire blew.  I was on 635 just right off of I-30.  So it's a very, very busy traffic area.  Panicking because I wasn't sure how to change a tire, I got out of the car.  Within a few seconds and older gentlemen pulled off the road behind me, asked if I was okay, told me he'd change the tire, and I was ready to leave in minutes!
Tell me I wasn't just rescued or, dare I say, saved!
Now, here's the twist:  he asked if I wanted to join his church.  I told him I already belonged to one.  He shook my hand and made sure I was on my way.  The cynic in me could think, Oh, he's a holy-roller doing good deeds to try to get me to join his church -- eeewwww, how creepy and manipulative. 

But I really didn't get that vibe. So  I've always refered to him as Angel #1.
Angel #2 is pretty funny because why would any Angel wanna help me win a bet!?!

In 1991 or '92, I was at Louisiana Downs with my parents.  While on my way to place a bet, a skinny, raggedy, older man looks over at me and whispers, "Don't forget that #7, Pat Day," winks, and walks away.  Yes, I was a little freaked out by him, but not enough that I didn't take his advice!

Guess what?  I won $243 off a $2 bet.  It was such a thrilling moment that I was practically bouncing around the track for the rest of the day as if I'd won a million bucks.  It's a wonder I wasn't mugged! (hehehe -- there's that cynic again)
My last Angel story is the real kicker.  I had to get hit in the face for my dream to become reality.

Angel #3 took care of me when I was at my most self-conscious.  I've always hated my hooked-Italian nose.  It was awfully ugly.  To make a long story short (too late), I was in my early 20's and in an altercation with a girl over a boy (hehehe).  She kicked me directly in the nose and broke it.  I gave her two black eyes and various other bruises.    (I won the boy then decided he wasn't worth it.  LOL - but that's not the point!)
I went to a doctor about my nose and found out insurance will pay for a new one because it was broken!  My prayers had been answered!!!  For me the new nose was a HUGE self-confidence boost. 
Since good things come in threes, I figured I had used up all my Angel help.  Yet, I can't believe that because I've been in several car accidents (only one of which I caused!), broke both legs at the same time, sliced open my elbow accidentally, crashed my go-cart causing me to receive 30 stitches in my chin and knee, and had my gallbladder removed (...there's probably even more!).  Can I really just chalk all that up to good luck?

Nah, I gotta say they're out there.  They don't look like you think they should, and don't give you what you need in the way you want it; but they do good work.  :)
And today...was Jose an Angel sent just to help me out with something that I was fretting over, or was it completely coincidental?

Do Angels really do such measely works like this?

Guess what?  I just turned on the tv.  On History Channel:  Angels:  Good or Evil.  I kid you not!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Stanley Hotel Experience - Thanksgiving 2011

After a 15-hour drive, we arrived at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado around noon on Monday, November 21, 2011.  My sister had driven the entire 15 hours it took to get here.  She did that because she doesn’t like my driving.  HA!  Guess I showed her.

The Stanley Hotel
Estes Park, Colorado

Of course arriving that early means our room isn’t ready.  I’m wide awake while sis is exhausted!  Luckily the lobby has super comfy leather chairs that we take over.  I read.  She sleeps.

When we finally check into our room around 2 or 3-ish, sis is still exhausted.  Our room was on the third floor.  Room 217 is checked out WAY ahead of time and the fourth floor does not have rooms with two queen beds – and I ain’t sleeping in a king with my sis!  The view was nice, though.  We could look out towards Estes Park Lake and some low-lying mountains.  The big peaks were towards the front of the hotel.
View from room 326

I wasn’t sure if I could get her out of the room.  The movie Eagle Eye was on, so I sat and watched it.  Wow – that was pretty awful.  It’s a complete Will Smith/Enemy of the State rip off.  But who cares about that.  We’re at the Stanley!

view from the front of the Stanley Hotel

I finally get her out of bed and we head over to the Estes Park Brewery which is supposed to have top-notch beer.  The place was a dive.  The red was a good beer.  The others weren’t.  The food was awful.  They really should name it the Hole In The Wall with One Good Brew.  Eh, no problem.   I have some snacks back at the room. 

The next day we ate breakfast at the Big Horn Restaurant.  The food was good.  It was the accents that we noticed most.  Sis said they were German.  I said Austrian.  Of course, I asked!  It was Slovakian.  We came across this accent constantly while in Estes Park.

We went to the visitor center next and the friendly chap showed us a trail in Rocky Mountain National Park we could take.  The main road - Trail Ridge Road – was closed.  So we couldn’t drive peak to peak.  No worries, we took every road we could!  In the park we saw wild turkey, several deer, magpies, a raven, and small herd of elk.
Rocky Mountain National Park

driving through the park

Later that day we took the Ghost and History tour at the Stanley Hotel.  We visited the ladies and gentlemen’s parlors, the top of stairs landing with mirrors and paintings, room 217 where Stephen King was inspired to write The Shining,  the fourth floor where the children are heard playing at night, room 401 where many unusual things happen, and the tunnel under the hotel.  
the ladies' parlor

top of the stairs

In room 401 I volunteered to stand in the closet where the several ghostly happenings have been reported.  Did anything happen?  No, but I did freak myself out a bit.  The hair on my arms rose and I swore I felt something.  I reached over and realized it was the ironing board!  HAHA

me at the top of the stairs

Stephen King and his wife were in Estes Park back in the early 70’s.  During this time the Stanley had changed owners and it was in a more dilapidated state which probably suited Mr. King just fine!  The hotel was closing for the winter months.  No guests were there.  The employees were closing up when Stephen King persuaded them to allow him and Mrs. King to stay the night.  They stayed in room 217.  During the night several strange things occurred – one of which was “someone” unpacked their bags while they were out of the room.  Keep in mind it’s against hotel policy to touch the guests belongings!  Also, that evening Mr. King had a dream about the fire extinguishers, located just outside his room, attacking his young son.  At the time, the extinguishers had the white hoses attached.  The hoses are now gone, but the pipe is still there.  The Kings checked out the next day, and he began writing The Shining.
nope, I couldn't get into room 217
I’m sure you already know that Kubrick’s The Shining film is not located at the Stanley and Stephen King was upset with several changes Kubrick made to his story.  It’s still a great movie – but Stephen King put out his own mini-series and filmed it at the Stanley!  He also made a cameo as the band leader.

Stephen King

The fourth floor is where guests report hearing children running and playing through the halls.  Unfortunately, we did not witness anything.  However, my camera and telephone were both wonky.  Yes, I said wonky!  There were two pictures on the camera that neither my sister nor I took.  It may have just accidentally taken the photos or it may be GHOSTs!!!!  Also, I turned my phone off at night to save the battery and it was on the next morning.  Interesting stuff, huh?
photo taken by ghost?
That metal faucet is the old fire extinguisher.
another ghost-taken photo
What were they trying to show us?

Later on Tuesday, we walked through half of the little town of Estes Park.  It’s a quaint little touristy area full of stuff you don’t need but just want to buy!  LOL
downtown Estes Park

That evening we ate at Chicago’s Best and had the white pizza.  It was pretty good.  We arrived at the perfect time, walked up to the counter and ordered.  After we sat, about fifty other people showed up.  Good timing.  J

We get back to the room around 6 p.m. and I’m exhausted!  I know we want to do our own ghost hunt anywhere from 2-4 a.m. so I pass out.
We woke up later than we wanted because the alarm didn’t work.  Ghost?  We went up to the fourth floor.  Have I mentioned how incredibly creaky the floors are at this hotel?  It WAS built in 1909.  Well, we went to all the hotspots and took photos.  We were doing our best to sneak around and not make any noise, but every time it squeaked we broke out into giggles.  We were sure someone was going to come out of their room and yell at us.  No one did.  Nor did we get anything on film!
4th floor - girls area

view from the 4th floor

the girls' bench
if you leave them candy, they'll eat it

On Wednesday we chose Notchtop for breakfast.  The food wasn’t bad but they’re definitely not top notch!  We weren’t greeted or spoken to.  No big deal right?  The employees greeted and spoke with everyone else!  I’m not sure what either of us did?!?!?  I smiled and was friendly and got nothing in return.  It reminded me of that pub in American Werewolf in London where the boys walk in and it gets completely quiet. Creepy and rude.  Oh well – no tip for you!

We spent some of the morning walking down the other half of Estes Park.  I make it sound as if it’s a large place.  It isn’t.  It’s just the shops open late and close early.  We did more unnecessary shopping. 
downtown Estes Park

At one point, we saw an elk sitting in front of the library.  Yes, a real elk.  A real LARGE elk.  It didn’t care about people taking photos or getting near.  I didn’t get that close!

Elk in front of the library - downtown

We decided to head back out to Rocky Mountain National Park.  This time we went up to the top of Trail Ridge Road – at least up to the point where it’s closed.  Then we drove down the mountain to Bear Lake. 
Trail Ridge Road - closed :(

Welcome to Bear Lake!
Where are the bears?  Where's the lake?!?!

For lunch/dinner we ate at Poppy’s.  It’s an Italian-type restaurant and was pretty good.  Yes, I had pizza again.  What can I say?  I like pizza.  Then we came back to the hotel.

Again I was exhausted.  It was only 5 p.m.   I wanted to take a nap so that I can be awake at 2:30 a.m. for ghost hunting madness!  Unfortunately, we found nothing again.
looking up into the bell tower
someone has a sense of humor :)

room 217

The next day was Thanksgiving and check out time. L  We headed out to Estes Lake and walked around.  It was extremely windy but a nice day nonetheless. 
Estes Lake

At noon we ate at the Stanley’s Thanksgiving feast.  It was delish!  The funny part was the couple next to us kept getting up for more buffet and every time they left, the busboys would clean off their table.  The couple would come back and everything would be gone.  It happened three times.  The manager came over and comp-ed their meal.  I told my sis to get up and walk away!  It didn’t work for us.  LOL

We began our 16-hour drive home.  It was longer because we decided to take the interstate all the way back which added an hour or two to the driving time.  It was worth it!
This is what you see when driving east out of Colorado and into Kansas.

Now I need a vacation from my vacation.